The Blog

Do Facebook fans increase traffic to your website?

Posted on the 8th July 2011

A UK based study by Hitwise analyzed data from the top 100 retailers to find how much additional web traffic was generated by each Facebook fan.  The metrics showed that each fan of a Facebook page produced an extra 20 visits to the website.  In order to generate this number, Facebook traffic was analyzed and compared against Facebook Page data from Techlightenment.
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Are Google Apps any good?

Posted on the 5th July 2011

There is a lot more to Google than it being a simple search engine – it can be used for pretty much everything from advertising through to the actual running of your company through the use of its many apps.
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Give something for free

Posted on the 1st July 2011

There have been a few brilliant campaigns lately that revolve around giving away something for free;

The first one that struck me was the TOMS shoes campaign on Facebook. TOMS have committed to giving away one pair of shoes for each pair sold – but not to their customers…they give a pair to someone in need in the third world. They report their progress through their Facebook page that has almost 1000 000 fans. The amount of fans has nothing to do with the amount of free stock given away but it does give them a massive base to advertise to. They feature a new shoe every day and are effectively building a great following.
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Google adds new “shortcuts”

Posted on the 30th June 2011

Three years since they launched mobile search, Google is seeing more searches from mobile than they did three years into their desktop search offering. The focus on mobile and the identification of this as an area that Google will clearly be trying to promote and innovate around in the coming months.
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Is the Dickbar back?

Posted on the 29th June 2011

Twitter is starting to gear up it’s advertising revenue by putting paid-for tweets into the middle of your Twitter stream. This will make itself shown in about the next 8 weeks or so. Twitter has made it plain that these promoted Tweets are no experiment – they won’t only appear in Twitter search or HootSuite like they have been over the past year. And they won’t be stuck over on the sides of the way that other promoted trends are. No – they will be here soon…they will be here to stay and – Twitter is pretty much going to make sure that we see them…they will stick them to the top of the page so no matter how far you scroll down the message will still be there.
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Tweet if you like us

Posted on the 27th June 2011

As Google puts the squeeze on traditional ranking signals and subsequently, Search Engine Optimization tactics, the growing emphasis on social signals has many SEO practitioners getting more serious about social engagement and as a result one of the biggest topics in SEO right now is ‘social’ SEO – the idea that the more people engage with your brand/product/website in the social space by liking, tweeting, and hitting +1, for example, the more likely you are to be rewarded with top rankings. Read more

Isn’t the Web great

Posted on the 2nd June 2011

We normally don’t simply write down lists of trivia as a rule…but every now and then, when we come across statistics that we find interesting, we make a note. Here’s a list of interesting facts that we’ve collected about the web;
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Is Facebook the new company website?

Posted on the 27th May 2011

I was at a Chelsea/Arsenal match a short while ago and I noticed something a bit weird…all of the ads and banners around the ground were pushing their product and their website…nothing unusual about that – but, almost all of them were not pushing their standard company websites they were pushing their Facebook pages ( Does this mean that Facebook has taken over from the traditional company website?
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Is the LinkedIn IPO the beginning of the end?

Posted on the 26th May 2011

Last Thursday LinkedIn Corp’s shares more than doubled in their first day of trading, setting the stage for debuts from other Internet companies such as Facebook Inc. and Groupon Inc.

The outsize demand for the stock of an Internet company that is growing rapidly but had a profit of $15.4 million last year is the latest sign of the surge—some say bubble—in Web valuations even as the broader U.S. economy struggles to rebound from the recession. Shares of LinkedIn, which operates a professional-networking site, opened at $83 on the New York Stock Exchange, up 84% from its initial public offering price of $45. By the market’s 4 p.m. close, the stock had soared 109% to $94.25. At the end of the day, LinkedIn was worth $8.9 billion. Now – whatever way that we care to look at this – that is a lot of money to pay for a company that has only made $15 million so far. It is placing a PE value of 600…in other words – if LinkedIn does not improve its earning at an almost exponential rate then it will take investors 600 years to get their investment back. Read more

Was that $8.5 billion well spent? Skype, Post-Microsoft.

Posted on the 25th May 2011

So Microsoft has acquired Skype for $8.5 billion. That’s a lot of cash in anyone’s books. (Apparently the next highest bidder was only $4 billion). Skype has never made a profit: in 2010 it recorded a loss of $7m on revenues of $860m – $1.30 per registered user a year, or $5 per “connected” user a year. While revenues have been growing it has been able to negotiate better call termination rates around the world with telephone companies.
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Google social search goes global

Posted on the 24th May 2011

I don’t know how many of you have been following the whole Google social search story but it has been worthy of almost soap-opera treatment. Facebook hired a PR company to push negative stories about Social Search in the press. Facebook claims that Google’s practices raise “serious privacy concerns,” and it’s unhappy with the fact that Google can use Facebook data for its service without Facebook’s permission. It’s noticeable that in Google’s latest blog post about Social Search, Twitter is mentioned three times while Facebook is nowhere to be seen as Google thumbs it’s nose at the social network giant. And now Social Search should be available in 19 languages with more languages on the way. Read more

The ICO traps the cookie monster

Posted on the 23rd May 2011

Well – the powers that be (the Information Commissioners Office) have decided that it’s high time that they cracked down on the use of cookies.

New ICO guidance has issued an RU cookie law. The ICO guidance says websites cannot rely on browser settings to decide whether a user consents to having his or her online activity tracked, and that, in most cases, sites should seek explicit consent from the visitor.
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And the winner is… Android & Apple

Posted on the 16th May 2011

For the first time, Android phones are the most popular smartphones amongst U.S. mobile consumers, according to a survey Nielsen released last month.

In a succession of monthly surveys between January 2011 and March 2011, 31% of consumers who were planning on getting a new smartphone indicated that Android was their favoured OS, compared to 30% who preferred the iPhone.
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Growth of the QR Code

Posted on the 11th May 2011

Are you using QR codes in your marketing campaign? Have you used them to access information. Do you even know what they are?

What is a QR code? A QR code is a 2-D barcode that can be scanned by a smart phone’s camera and transfer information. Based on the type of code it is, it might direct the viewer to a website, make a phone call, deliver a vCard or more.
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Give me a deal, Facebook?

Posted on the 10th May 2011

OK – you all must have heard of Groupon and know about the general concept. Well, Facebook are starting what amounts to the very same thing. Facebook is finally launching local Deals — a feature that will compete with Groupon‘s core product in five cities starting this month. The five communities in question are San Francisco, Austin, Dallas, Atlanta and San Diego. Facebook revealed to The New York Times that the local offers made to Deals users will be delivered via email and will also appear in users’ news feeds. Any Facebook user can sign up for Deals notifications on the feature’s landing page.
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