Isn’t the Web great

Posted on the 2nd June 2011

We normally don’t simply write down lists of trivia as a rule…but every now and then, when we come across statistics that we find interesting, we make a note. Here’s a list of interesting facts that we’ve collected about the web;

  • In 2010, 107 trillion emails were sent on the Internet.
  • At the current rate 36 billion photos will be uploaded to Facebook each year.
  • Each day 2 billion videos are watched on YouTube.
  • Each month 30 billion pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook.
  • In 2010, users sent 25 billion tweets.
  • Worldwide there are 1.97 billion Internet users.
  • At the end of 2010, there were 88.8 million – .COM domain names registered.
  • As of December 2010, there were 255 million websites.
  • Worldwide, there are 2.9 billion email accounts.
  • The average Internet user watched 186 online videos per month (USA
  • Every minute 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube
  • The internet is growing at a very fast rate.  It took more than 38 years for the radio to reach 50 million users,  and it took 13 years for TV to reach the same number of users, and it took only 5 years for Internet to reach 50 million users.
  • Only 13% of the world population are internet users as on December,2004.  Roughly 35% of internet users are English, 65% are non-English and 14% are Chinese.  The highest percentage of 70% internet users are from North America continent.  70% of people of North America are internet users.
  • There are nearly 8 billion pages in internet now.  Nearly 815 million surfers are there in the internet and it is growing.  67% of the users are using email and 45% are doing research and 41% are interested in getting information about products, checking news, weather etc.
  • 35% of internet users are from Asia.
  • 3 people out of 100 in Africa surf the internet.  10 people out of 100 surf internet in Asia.  38 people out of 100 surf the internet in Europe.  70 out of 100 in North America surf the Internet.  53 out of 100 surf internet in Australia.
  • Nearly 1 billion users are surfing internet every month.
  • About 18 countries in the world still do not have internet connection.


The reason these facts amaze us is that they serve to remind us how quickly this industry is growing and changing – we really have to keep on our toes to keep ahead of the opposition because if we don’t lead in this industry…well then, we die.

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