The Blog

Exactly what is e-Commerce design?

Posted on the 9th November 2011

Well – firstly we must know that e-commerce is basically commerce that is conducted electronically on the Internet. Like any store that carries out business or trade, it needs to be a place where consumers can shop…a shop front. It is a business and like any business, it needs planning and designing. In a nutshell; e-commerce design is the designing of the business. Any brick and mortar building needs an architect and a shop fitter, as does any Internet business. The owner determines the layout and the features that he would like and the designer using templates will design the layout.
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Optimising the customer experience

Posted on the 4th November 2011

There was a time when businesses had one shot at getting the design of a website right. Once the site was launched businesses hardly ever reviewed its success. Today, smart retailers are optimising the customer experience by constantly testing, learning and improving the sites processes. Numerous retail web designers now incorporate multiple versions of the same page into the production stage, experimenting with diverse placements, copy and size to offer an analysis of the best conversion rate.
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What makes an e-Commerce business fail?

Posted on the 11th October 2011

E-commerce is the same as normal commercial enterprises…it simply takes place on the Internet. And the reasons that e-commerce ventures fail can often be similar to the reasons that standard industries fail.
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Professional eCommerce Web Design

Posted on the 6th October 2011

There are many different reasons to have a website…from a simple one page affair all the way up to a four thousand page government site that is so convoluted that even the ecommerce web designer company that did it have forgotten what it’s all for. But the usual type of website that most of us are used to is the standard ecommerce website or online shop.
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Will Facebook Credits become money?

Posted on the 23rd September 2011

When I mention Facebook credits I am sure that you all know what I mean. You can use them to buy stuff for Farmville or Mafia Wars on facebook. But, up until very recently, that was pretty much all that you could do with them.
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Do Facebook fans increase traffic to your website?

Posted on the 8th July 2011

A UK based study by Hitwise analyzed data from the top 100 retailers to find how much additional web traffic was generated by each Facebook fan.  The metrics showed that each fan of a Facebook page produced an extra 20 visits to the website.  In order to generate this number, Facebook traffic was analyzed and compared against Facebook Page data from Techlightenment.
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An Integrated Approach to eCommerce

Posted on the 1st April 2010

You’ve tried eBay, you’ve maybe even dabbled in running your own online shop, or you’re importing goods to sell… With stiff competition and thousands competing for the same customers, how can you break into the market with any significance? How can you really make a success of selling online? How can you afford to wait months or years to see any income? Read more

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